February 18th - 22nd

This Week:

February 11 - 28 - Alien In-Line Skating (Please see teacher email for exact dates)
Monday, February 18th - Family Day - No school
Tuesday, February  19th -  Learning Commons Book Exchange
Wednesday, February 20th-
Thursday, February 21st -
Friday, February 22nd - PM class attends

Letter/Sound Learning

Learning the letters and sounds of the alphabet using the following image
continues to support children with their early literacy skills. 
Ask your child to sing our ABC song using the following image.

Last Week:

Students have been so excited to participate in "Alien In-line Skating!"
Thank you so much to our parent volunteers for making this program a huge success.

Students enjoyed sharing their appreciation and care for each other by passing out
Valentines and decorating Valentine's Day bags.

Our open-ended art centre continues to be a very well visited centre. This centre
provides students with an opportunity to explore with different mediums, to teach
a friend how to create something, and to share stories about their creations.

Our Kindergarten teaching team is happy to be participating in the Calgary City Teacher's Convention this year. We hope to engage in many sessions, and learn new ideas to bring back to our classrooms!

Important Dates Coming up:
February 11th - 28th - Alien In-Line Skating during Physical Education Class
February 25th - March 8th - Artist in Residence with Sharon Fortowsky
Thursday, February 28th - Pink Shirt Day
March 1st - NO School -Professional Development Day
March 5th - Evergreen Theatre 9:30 AM (The Three Little Pigs) -PM Students are invited to attend with their parents
March 8th - AM class attends
March 14th - Kindergarten Celebration of Learning 6:00 - 7:00 PM (All families invited to attend)
March 15th - PM class attends
March 21st - NO School for Kindergarten -Student Centered Conferences
March 22nd - NO School K-Gr. 3 - Student Centered Conferences
March 25th - 29th - NO School - Spring Break