February 25th - March 1st

This Week:

February 25th - March 8th - Artist in Residence with Sharon Fortowsky
February 11 - 28 - Alien In-Line Skating (Please see teacher email for exact dates)
Monday, February 25th -
Tuesday, February  26th -  Learning Commons Book Exchange
Wednesday, February 27th-
Thursday, February 28th - Pink Shirt Day - Wear Pink Shirts! https://www.pinkshirtday.ca/about
Friday, March 1st - NO School - Professional Development Day

Letter Learning /J/
To write the uppercase letter /J/ start at the top go straight down, curve to the left.  Jump back up to the top, just left of your first starting point, and draw a straight line that crosses the top.

To make the lowercase /j/ begin in the middle of your line, make a straight line down and curve to the left.  Jump back up and make a small dot that sits above the /j/ but does not touch it.

Last Week:

In preparation for our Celebration of Learning, we have continued to discuss the people we love.  We participated in a multi-day art project to showcase our family members who we love.


In Physical Education we have been learning how to juggle with scarves and magic sticks as well as practice our cup speed stacking.

Students explore the design, function, and properties of a variety of materials. Using big blocks in a safe and appropriate manner, they select and work with a variety of materials to build structures. They explore scientific and aesthetic concepts, using various small and large blocks, marble game designs, and stacking cups. 

As a part of our letter review, students did a "Word Scavenger Hunt" looking for words that begin with each letter.  Students looked in books, on signs and even on each other's backpacks to find their words! This is an activity you could do within your home, as you search for a familiar letter within print.

What letters can you find in a book?
"I found the word Kindergarten! It is really long!"
"Look! I see words on the paper towel holder!" 
Important Dates Coming up:
February 11th - 28th - Alien In-Line Skating during Physical Education Class
February 25th - March 8th - Artist in Residence with Sharon Fortowsky
March 5th - Evergreen Theatre 9:30 AM (The Three Little Pigs) -PM Students are invited to attend with their parents
March 8th - AM class attends
March 11th - School Council Meeting
March 14th - Kindergarten Celebration of Learning 6:00 - 7:00 PM (All families invited to attend)
March 15th - PM class attends
March 21st - NO School for Kindergarten -Student Centered Conferences
March 22nd - NO School K-Gr. 3 - Student Centered Conferences
March 25th - 29th - NO School - Spring Break

Pink Shirt Day!

Hello ROS families. On Thursday, February 28th, we will be recognizing Pink Shirt Day. It is a day where we encourage everyone to practice kindness and wear pink to symbolize that we do not tolerate bullying. Throughout the day, students will participate in activities that inspire acceptance, care for others and themselves and will conclude with a school wide assembly. To show support, students are encouraged to wear pink or their blue ROS shirts.

For more information about Pink Shirt Day, please check out: https://www.pinkshirtday.ca/about

ROS Fundraising Society

Attention Coffee & Tea lovers. Our current fundraiser is almost complete. We will accept any outstanding tea/coffee orders up until Monday, Feb 25. Please email rosfundraisingsociety@gmail.comwith any questions. Lets warm up this chilly winter!!
Thanks so much for supporting our kids' school!


Special Artifact

Dear Parents,

Over the last few weeks we have been looking at the questions, “How do we belong?” and “What makes my family unique?” We are planning on having each child bring in an artifact that represents a family tradition or your family background. They will be sharing the object orally with their classmates.

Image result for i am uniqueThis object will be left in our classroom from February 19 until approximately March 7. We will be using the artifacts to learn about the different cultures and family traditions that make up our classroom community.

Please take some time and talk with your child to select a tradition or artifact that represents your heritage, family traditions and/or special events and why it is important to your family. If you cannot find a physical artifact, your child can tell us a story or bring in a picture. 

Students will be answering the following questions:
·      What is your artifact or story?
·      What does it tell us about your family?
·      Why is it important to your family?
·      Who participates?

Some Examples:

·      I can sing a song in Spanish
·      I can teach my friends to say hello and goodbye in Japanese
·      I can show my friends how to write letters in Mandarin
·      I can Irish Dance
·      I can cook perogies
·      I celebrate Chinese New Years/Christmas/Eid/Chanukah
·      This is a (artifact) is important to my family because…
·      Sports that we like to play or watch together are…
·      Special dinners we eat together like…
·      Cultural or religious celebrations.
·      Every Friday we have Family games night.

Thank you very much for your participation!

February 18th - 22nd

This Week:

February 11 - 28 - Alien In-Line Skating (Please see teacher email for exact dates)
Monday, February 18th - Family Day - No school
Tuesday, February  19th -  Learning Commons Book Exchange
Wednesday, February 20th-
Thursday, February 21st -
Friday, February 22nd - PM class attends

Letter/Sound Learning

Learning the letters and sounds of the alphabet using the following image
continues to support children with their early literacy skills. 
Ask your child to sing our ABC song using the following image.

Last Week:

Students have been so excited to participate in "Alien In-line Skating!"
Thank you so much to our parent volunteers for making this program a huge success.

Students enjoyed sharing their appreciation and care for each other by passing out
Valentines and decorating Valentine's Day bags.

Our open-ended art centre continues to be a very well visited centre. This centre
provides students with an opportunity to explore with different mediums, to teach
a friend how to create something, and to share stories about their creations.

Our Kindergarten teaching team is happy to be participating in the Calgary City Teacher's Convention this year. We hope to engage in many sessions, and learn new ideas to bring back to our classrooms!

Important Dates Coming up:
February 11th - 28th - Alien In-Line Skating during Physical Education Class
February 25th - March 8th - Artist in Residence with Sharon Fortowsky
Thursday, February 28th - Pink Shirt Day
March 1st - NO School -Professional Development Day
March 5th - Evergreen Theatre 9:30 AM (The Three Little Pigs) -PM Students are invited to attend with their parents
March 8th - AM class attends
March 14th - Kindergarten Celebration of Learning 6:00 - 7:00 PM (All families invited to attend)
March 15th - PM class attends
March 21st - NO School for Kindergarten -Student Centered Conferences
March 22nd - NO School K-Gr. 3 - Student Centered Conferences
March 25th - 29th - NO School - Spring Break

Alien In-line skating Volunteers

We are still looking for a few more volunteers. Please consider helping out!

Thank you,


Image result for alien inline skating