January 21 - 25

This Week:

We will continue to participate in gymnastics during our Physical Education time.  Please ensure that your child is prepared with clothing that allows for movement and barefoot (no leggings with feet).

Kindergarten registration is ongoing.  If you have a child who was born between January 2014 and February 28, 2015 they are eligible to attend kindergarten in September 2019. Please register your child as soon as possible to guarantee your spot!

Please note that Alberta Education has changed the age eligibility for the 2020-2021 school year.  Beginning for this school year children will need to turn five by December 31st of the year they begin kindergarten.

Monday, January 21st -
Tuesday, January  22nd -  Learning Commons Book Exchange
Wednesday, January 23rd -
Thursday, January 24th -
Friday, January 25th - PM Students Attend. Please come prepared to play outside if the weather is cooperative. 

Letter Learning /i/ 

The letter i has two sounds.  It can be a long vowel sound in words such as ice cream and icicle.  Or a short vowel sound such as igloo, itchy, inchworm, ill, insect and ink.

Last Week:

Students are beginning an exciting new inquiry titled,
"Thinking like an Autobiographer"

During this inquiry, students will create artistic autobiographies to learn what makes them unique and special.  Students are currently in the brainstorming phase, asking themselves,
"What would be in a book about you?"

Learning for this inquiry can be supported at home by talking about the unique and special qualities of your child.

Students continue to explore the various way to make a number line. 
Students are learning how number lines can be represented in various ways.

Shared Exploration of books.

 Our painting station is now open.

Important Dates Coming up:
January 7th - 31st - Gymnastics during Physical Education with Ms. Hennick
Friday, February 1st - NO School K-Grade 3