November 12-16

This Week:

Monday, Nov. 12th -Regular Classes
Tuesday, Nov. 13th - Book Exchange at the Learning Commons.
Wednesday, Nov. 14th -
Thursday, Nov. 15 -
Friday, Nov. 16 - Professional Development Day (NO School for K-Gr. 3)

Letter Learning /t/

T says /t/ like in tiger and tennis. When we write the uppercase letter 't' we start at the top and draw a line straight down then we jump up to the left of our starting top spot and draw one straight line across the top of the letter.  To draw the lowercase "t" you start the same as the uppercase letter.  Start at the top and draw a line straight down.  Next, jump up to the left of the middle part of your vertical line and draw one straight line that intersects your first line in the middle.  

Last Week:

Exploring letters...
Can you find the letters to spell your name?

We continue to create new patterns during centre time.

Engaging, Exploring, Investigating, Communicating... 
What can you tell us about all these objects?

 Letter Learning W

Important Dates:

Thursday, November 22 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (NO Classes for Kindergarten Students)
Friday, November 22 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (NO Classes for K-Gr. 3)
Wednesday, November 28th - Book Truck for AM Students
Friday, November 30 - AM Students Attend